Fleck Pistons, Seals & Spacers
2850 & 2850s Series

The 2850 valve and the 2850S are both available as new production items but have very different internal parts. Be sure to identify which valve you have before ordering parts. See the 2850S blue menu button on the left side of the 2850 valve page.
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The piston to the far right with the black plastic end cap is the 2850 No Hard Water By-Pass Piston (NHWBP) #60114-01 assembly. This piston will shut off all downstream water while the unit is in regeneration. This can be identified from the front of the valve by seeing the black plastic end cap. The square black plastic spacer fits between the brass casting and the back plate.
The center piston has a white end cap and triangular mounting frame with motor linkage attached. It is the standard 2850S piston assembly #61630-00.
2900 Series

The 2” in/out 2900 has two pistons or drives each covered with its own plastic cabinet one on top of the other. The upper drive is responsible for the 5 step regeneration only. The bottom drive puts the unit into or out of service. The picture shows the upper white end cap piston assembly #60090-HF with the seal kit #60121 comprised of spacers and seals.
Upper seal kit #61530
Lower piston white end cap hard water by pass piston #61550
Lower piston black end cap no hard water by pass #61555
Lower seal kit #60128
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The upper drive seal kit fits in a rather long barrel and can be frustrating when replacing. The gray stuffer and puller tools can be quite helpful in this process. They are for sale and can also be loaned out for the job, be sure and ask about the process. The upper piston end cap is white unless the unit is an up-flow design which has a gray plastic end cap. The up-flow piston is #60106-10. Up-flow regeneration units always begin regeneration with brine draw first, regular down-flow units begin with back wash first.
This black end cap piston will not allow any water to pass downstream while the unit is in regeneration. This NHWBP is used when multiple units are in line or coupled together or in back wash filter valves where no untreated water is allowed downstream during regeneration. The standard hard water by pass piston end cap is white. This white end cap piston will allow untreated water to pass during regeneration if there is a demand. On a single tank softener regeneration is often scheduled to occur during the night or off hours when there is no call for water. The white end cap piston order number is #60103.
The seal kit is comprised of rubber seals and slotted spacers. As the piston travels from one position to another the seals block water passage from ports that need to be closed or open so water can pass through the proper spacer. White or black end cap all use the same seal kit #60128. The lower seal kit is large enough and short enough that special tools are not needed.
3150 Series

The 3150 fleck control valve is a single piston valve. This 2” in/out valve also has a 2” internal distributor shaft that delivers the treated water. The standard hard water by pass piston end cap is white. This white end cap piston will allow untreated water to pass downstream during regeneration if there is a demand. On a single tank softener or backwash filter regeneration is often scheduled to occur during the night or off hours when there is no call for water. The white end cap piston order number is #60106-00. The seal kit is comprised of rubber seals and slotted spacers. As the piston travels from one position to another the seals block water passage from ports that need to be closed or open so water can pass through the proper spacer. White or black end cap all use the same seal kit # 60131.
The 3150 valve can be ordered with a “no hard water by pass piston” (NHWBP). This piston will not allow any water to pass downstream while the unit is in regeneration. This NHWBP piston #60113-01 is used when multiple units are in line or coupled together or in back wash filter valves where no untreated water is allowed downstream.
The white end cap piston and seal kit are pictured with the puller and stuffer tool. The seal kit fits in a rather long barrel and it can be frustrating when replacing. The gray stuffer and puller tools can be quite helpful in this process. They are for sale and can also be loaned out for the job, be sure and ask about the process.
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3900 Series

This piston will not allow any water to pass downstream while the unit is in regeneration. This NHWBP is used when multiple units are in line or coupled together or in back wash filter valves where no untreated water is allowed downstream during regeneration. The standard hard water by pass piston end cap is white. This white end cap piston will allow untreated water to pass during regeneration if there is a demand. On a single tank softener regeneration often is scheduled to occur during the night or off hours when there is no call for water. The white end cap piston order number is #60107-00.
The seal kit is comprised of rubber seals and slotted spacers. As the piston travels from one position to another the seals block water passage from ports that need to be closed or open so water can pass through the proper spacer. White or black end cap all use the same kit #60132
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The upper drive seal kit fits in a rather long barrel and can be frustrating when replacing. The gray stuffer and puller tools can be quite helpful in this process. They are for sale and can also be loaned out for the job, be sure and ask about the process. The upper piston end caps are always white. They can also be for up-flow regeneration models with the #60106-10 piston which has a gray plastic end cap. Up-flow regeneration units always begin regeneration with brine draw first, regular down-flow units begin with back wash first.
9000 Series

The 9000 ¾ inch or 1 inch in/out valve is a twin alternating control valve. This valve has an upper piston that runs the regeneration cycle and a lower piston that switches tanks. Like all fleck controls the pistons move through a series of seals and spacers as the water flow is directed to a specific cycle during regeneration. If the seals are worn they can leak from one chamber to another and cause a cycle to not work or constantly flow water to the drain.
The pistons are Teflon coated to improve wear and resist harsh water chemistry. If this coating breaks down it can cause leakage from one chamber to another.
Upper seal kit #60125
Upper piston assembly #60400
Lower seal kit #60421
Lower piston assembly #60401
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9500 Series

The 9500 1.5 inch in/out valve is a twin alternating control valve. This valve has an upper piston that runs the regeneration cycle and a lower piston that switches tanks. Like all fleck controls the pistons move through a series of seals and spacers as the water flow is directed to a specific cycle during regeneration. If the seals are worn they can leak from one chamber to another and cause a cycle to not work or constantly flow water to the drain.
The pistons are Teflon coated to improve wear and resist harsh water chemistry. If this coating breaks down it can cause leakage from one chamber to another.
Upper seal kit #60134
Upper piston assembly #60108
Lower seal kit #60133
Lower piston assembly #60109
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